
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Teenage to Terrific 30's - The journey just gets better....

During a conversation about choices, my uncle once asked me ..."would you overeat now if you knew how uneasy you'd feel later?" And i said "Yes, ofcourse i would" .......Ofcourse, I was a teenager then...

Today the answer would have been "definitely not".. I wonder why? What makes the difference? Perhaps age? Has the body's ability to manage the same level of uneasiness gone down. Or maybe i just know better..Maybe that's what we call Wisdom!

Then there's the physical changes where energy levels deplete with every passing year once u cross 25. So what do i do? Take on some workout sessions, dance classes, yoga, marathon training, which not only make me look better, they make me feel great too..

Can't not mention the Independence factor. Sometimes it tilts a bit towards I Know It All...But at most times brings in clarity on many issues and helps me develop opinions. Monetary independence is just a small factor. Its the freedom of thought that matters most.

After all, age is just a number and i'm only as old as i think i am.. Having crossed 30 now, having shed a lot of my inhibitions, with very little impression management to be done, my objective is to enjoy each day and pack it with lots and lots of laughter fun and activities. And to make a difference to as many as i can in my own small way.

So all in all, the journey's just getting better..