
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Routine is also exciting!

I have great memories of the last 2 weeks of my life. My baby sister got married!!! Everyone was here. My favourite aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.The days were filled with fun, happiness and great food and nights with awesome parties. But i also had my share of stress, a little bit of sadness, mixed feelings and not to forget lots of CHAOS with so many people and events to be managed.  Every day was different and there was no sign of anything routine. I enjoyed that thoroughly and learned from it too...learned to work under pressure, learned that every thing can't be perfect, that everyone can't be pleased all the time and learned that its important to develop the capability of finding things in a mess. While that was great for a change, the most important lesson is the one i've learned about myslf.. I love routine. I love order in my life . I love to be prepared with everything... By the end of the fortnight, I surprised myself when i was eager to go back to work. I realise that work is such an important part of my normal life. With most guests having gone back and Z,K,F & Z leaving yesterday, life will slowly go back to normalcy.  My yoga class will define my mornings every M T F and diet and meal schedules will once again be well planned and healthy. Most evenings will entail some reading on my new iPad and some cooking sessions (not so frequent though).   While tht routine too will get boring and i will look for another opportunity to break the monotony, for now i look forward to "a sequence of actions regularly followed", simply known as The Routine.... Lots of love,  The Eternal Aspirant... 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In pursuit of a teacher!

During childhood we have been taught so many things. Ever since, those teachings become our guiding principles, till such time we are teenagers or in our early 20s. Then comes the phase when we explore life on our own, reading, absorbing...experiencing, as we go along the journey of life. That's when we form our own beliefs, our own guiding principles. We find our own direction. Our own path! Would this be influenced by those learnings from our childhood? Perhaps to some extent, but then maybe not. 

And then one day, certain incidents or situations bring us to a crossroad once again! Now there's the tough part. All those principals and learnings go for a toss! Enter self doubt, confusion, frustration, anger and complication.

That's when one needs a teacher. A guide who is unbiasd. Someone who hasn't been instrmental in moulding us into who we are in the first place. But someone who knows us in a certain way. Almost like our alter-ego stepping out to look at us from the outside just as a stranger would. That would bring new learnings and perspectives, perhaps new principles too. Or just reinforce the same ones, and help YOU choose YOUR direction once again. The teacher could be God, a spiritual leader, or even our own internal voice which would just draw from our inherant strenght to show us the way.

But to gain from this process one requires an open mind, acceptance of the fact that all our past beliefs could be shattered and an openness to accept a new you!!

I am out to find my Teacher! I am out to rediscover myself!

Lots of love....H.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eat that frog!

If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful.” -Mark Twain
If you have to eat a frog, don’t look at it for too long.” -Mark Twain

Yes, I'm referring to Procrastination. I think Procrastination is a quality we are all blessed with in abundance. To avoid tasks that are difficult and large, ones that we fear, those that will take effort, those that are painful. Although we know its an important task on our to-do list, we avoid taking it up.

But believe me, its not difficult to change this habit with constant practice. The first thing you need to do is to find your frog. As you break up the task into pieces, it may not be as large as it appeared to be when you started. And then single mindedly complete it 100%.

According to Brian Tracy, if you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. And if you have to eat a live frog at all, it doesn’t pay to sit and look for very long. 

So, resist the temptation to clear out easy things first. This habit of Eating a frog first thing in the morning is not only helpful at work but also a great help in keeping our everyday lives in order. It also brings about a great deal of relief and satisfaction once its out of your way.

So lets make that phone call, write that email, do whatever we have to. Let's Eat our frog! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Mumbai Grand Prix !


My first post in 2011.

Today, I managed to get myself a spot in the Mumbai Grand Prix. Infact, I am a part of this race almost every single day. The cars are all lined up at the start point (which is actually a traffic light that's just turned Red.....) You can hear the engines revving. The light turns Orange to say Get Set....the cars at the back have already started honking...all of us start inching ahead slowly.. The light still doesnt say 'Go'...We move ahead a bit further...the honking intensifies as though to say "come on man!...go..go.. go..." Its finally turned green and the race has begun...

Yes i'm talking about Driving - in the City of Mumbai. It's no less than a race! No one wants to wait even for a second and everyone's already run out of patience. Hardly matters if its 9 am or 9 pm.

As though the car honking from the back isn't creating enough stress for me, the cabbie who was driving in the leftmost lane has suddenly realised he had to make the right turn that we just passed by.. So what does he do? Stick's his hand out and swerves to the right. Its my way on the highway buddy! And of course, its totally my responsibility to slow down and let him pass by. Well, since I care for my car, I have no choice but to let him go.

So that done, now I'm cruising comfortably in top gear at a speed of 60 kms/hr and Oooooh! A man with his wife and 4 kids has decided to cross the road..Now thats when i forget all my manners and shower at him all the choicest abuses. Abusive language in a situation like this is permissable behaviour, i think. Feels good for sure.

Finally, my smile's back and I continue to head home. So what if no one else has the patience, let me try and keep mine intact. I turn up the volume and decide to enjoy the music.... Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel!!!!